CBG Investment Group Limited

Remediating deforested areas through sustainable agroforestry to rebalance biodiversity.

“We are in the carbon capture business – through reafforestation, non-timber forest products and managed balsa plantations for the wind turbine industry”

Robert Sabum - President

The Company

CBG Investment Group Limited is a private company with limited liability incorporated on June 17 2022, with registration number RC.BDA.2022B000270 and its registered address at BAMENDA NORTH WEST REGION CAMEROON.
Our mission is to empower local indigenous communities, thus supporting the theory that community-based conservation is better both for the forests, wildlife and population that dwell in them, which in turn reinforces the positive consent and ideology of a new model of sustainable Agroforestry.
Cleared Rainforest is a legacy problem. The company intends to help solve this legacy problem by the establishment of sustainable Balsa Plantations, providing employment and funding to residents whilst having a positive carbon sequestration environmental impact.

Management and Directors 


Our sustainable Balsa Plantations will provide the following services
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A future focused “green” sustainable product specific to the requirements for the manufacture of wind turbine blades

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Positive carbon sequestration over 4½ year growing cycle of approximately 92,000 tons CO2 / Ha

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Contribution to national income through the payment of forestry royalties

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Contribution to the local community : training, up skilling of workers and service providers ; Payment of social taxes ; Sponsoring of young entrepreneurial talent; Supportive community citizens to local sport and social programs

Sustainability at Our Core

The Company proposes to address the “pillars” of sustainability as follows:

The Company believes that there will be a long-term increasing demand for the manufacture of wind turbine blades. The Company’s product of balsa blocks at a competitive price is expected to provide long term profitability to the business. This profitability is expected to provide a return on funds employed (equity and debt) sufficient to meet future shareholder and financing demands. The Company intends to promote its green credentials to source funds from likeminded environmentally concerned individuals and organizations.

The Company takes its social responsibilities very seriously as it with the help of the community that the venture and objectives of the Company will be achieved. There are many villages effected by the deforestation of the rainforest, with a diverse set of needs and resources. The Company together with the forestry College will promote education and training in a variety of horticultural and financial courses. In addition the Company intends to mentor and sponsor local entrepreneurs, particularly those coming forward with green initiatives. 

At its foundation the Company has been formed to address the legacy environmental disaster of cleared rainforest. To remedy this problem is not easy as rainforest reafforestation finance is costly and scarce, despite the efforts of several climate change related initiatives and the rhetoric from many and all quarters. The Company intends to address this problem by planting Balsa which can be harvested and sold to provide a modest return on investment. Surplus funds can then be reinvested to expand Balsa plantation and land under management. The Company recognizes that monoculture is not the whole solution. As the rotational plantation expands the Company is hopeful that areas can be set aside as reafforestation areas, the balsa providing the canopy to encourage rainforest regrowth. The ultimate objective being the reafforestation of a biodiverse rainforest ecosystem.

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